viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

The changes that could be made to my study programme.

Hello to my followers today I will tell you about The changes that could be made to my study programme.
My career is called Forestry Engineering and is characterized by the others because every year we have practical in the summer, the practices are great, you learn a lot but the big problem is that the things that we do there are things that teach us the following year so the contents are not compatible.
I think that 5 years of career is good to learn all about the vegetation, the problem is the extensive periods of classes of each day, and the distribution of the calendar very irregular way since there are days too many exhausting.
One of the things I love about this faculty are its facilities, for me I think it does not generate problems above all I like Arauco Pavilion because "Tío Antonio" cares about keeping the rooms cool in summer and hot in winter, it really is wonderful! but when we have classes in the agronomy rooms is very sad because in winter they are very cold and only some of them have heating, in summer it is good because the rooms are very fresh.
Finally I say that the technology of the university is good, we can borrow computers just showing our TUI card in addition to access to a laboratory and measurement tools in our practices, with respect to teachers I think some should be more objective in their evaluations because we study many and they give us bad marks for not answering what they want. (u.u)
Many kisses for my followers, see you next week...

12 comentarios:

My experience learning english.

Hello to my followers today I will tell you about my experience learning english. My experience in English at the university was very ent...