martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

My Love: Ornithology

Hello my followers,  I will tell you today about Ornithology....
¿What is Ornithology? Is the study of birds and the birds are animals  that can walk, jump and fly, have feathers, four fingers on their paws, beaks, wings, can lay eggs and feed seeds, fruits and plants. They like to sing and live in the trees where they make their nest. This science cares about the evolution, conservation and description of birds. Some example of studies are: Food, size, nest , migrations, etc. These data are obtained by catching birds (will be freed later) and photographs.
the birds transport the pollen of some flowers so that these plants can reproduce and disperse the seeds to grow in different places and expand their distribution, they are also a food for the human because we eat their meat and eggs, this keeps the ecosystem in balance.
Finally  I chose this topic because I like birds, they're my favorite animal, and I believe we must protect them in order to don't make them extinguish.....
  Lots of kisses for my followers, see you next week.

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