martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Hummingbird by Juan Fernandez

Hello my followers,  I will tell you today about Hummingbird by Juan Fernandez.
The Hummingbird by Juan Fernandez or Sephanoides fernandensis is an endemic bird of Chile. According to the last censuses carried out in 2005 this cataloged in danger of extension since it is estimated that if population varies between the 2500 and 3000 birds. From the year 2016 it was declared Natural Monument of Chile.
This bird is very small, the male is 12 centimeters long and weighs 11 grams. His feathers are orange and his wings are gray. In the case of the female measures 10 centimeters in length and weighs 7 grams. Their feathers are mainly white, green and blue. The phenomenon mentioned above is known as sexual dimorphism which is the variation in physiognomy between male and female.
The species inhabits wooded areas, bushes and gardens, in summer it is possible to see the male flying near the only village of the island feeding on the nectar of the Dendroseris.
I chose this animal because I really like the native fauna of Chile and I think we must protect this bird because it is in serious danger of extinction due to the destruction of the native flora from which it feeds.
Lots of kisses for my followers, see you next week.

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